lifeblood: appearances: 2007: 2007-04-24: eyedrum gallery - atlanta, georgia (riffing in the round) (amy ray, t cooper, scott turner schofield, three5human, and the athens boys choir)

01. labels (scott turner schofield)
02. decoder ring stories (scott turner schofield)
03. will eating trans fat make me queer (scott turner schofield)
04. revolution (three5human)
05. mourner's prayer (athens boys choir)
06. measure of me (amy ray)
07. driver education (amy ray)
08. favorite readings of 2007 (t cooper)
09. take it in like oxygen (athens boys choir)
10. fagette rap (athens boys choir)
11. georgia (three5human)
12. story #57 (scott turner schofield)
13. blender (amy ray)
14. rrrrrrrr - amy ray bear growl (amy ray)
15. ghost of the gang (amy ray)
16. let it ring (amy ray)
17. pure lust (three5human)
18. i'm a mf genius cuz i got the answer to work peace (athens boys choir)
19. waffle house song (athens boys choir)
20. lipshitz 6, or two angry blondes (t cooper)
21. story #63 (scott turner schofield)
22. story #74 (scott turner schofield)
23. put it out for good (amy ray with tomi martin)
24. sugar tongue (amy ray with tomi martin)
25. on your honor (genocidal youth - amy ray with three5human)

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