lifeblood: fanzine
back in the days before the internet was publicly accessible, lifeblood started out as a free paper fanzine with the monthly issues photocopied and snail mailed to anyone who asked for one, and later to anyone who sent in a self addressed stamped envelope. word of the unofficial fanzine spread through fans meeting other fans in lines at shows (was a big thing back then to show up early and hang out and meet people), and via ads in the record trading publication "goldmine". eventually circulation included not only the united states but canada, europe, and russia as well. fans would author and send in reviews of shows, reviews of records, information on new dates, guitar tabs, photo copies of articles, you name it, and all would be compiled and included in the next issue. a "go-head guide to atanta" was even created and a couple of fan gatherings held there. after 44 issues, and with the rise of the internet, after the december 1995 issue work on the paper edition gave way to work on this website, but i'll always have deep gratitude for the fans who subscribed and contributed and made (and continue to make!) being an indigo girls fan feel so special and so fun.
the precursor to the paper version of lifeblood was indigo notes, also a free paper fanzine, of which one issue was published on june 1, 1991, with a total circulation of four copies.
one other hand made creation i no longer have a copy of was made ~1992, a spiral bound, large sized, year long indigo girls wall calendar, each month featured a photo of them along with important dates in their history being noted in the individual date blocks. if memory serves me right 6 to 10 of these were made, each by hand, if anyone ever runs across one and would like to share photos would be fun to see them. thanks very much and enjoy!
indigo notes - 1991-06-01 - "new release!" (html) | (pdf)
issue # 01 - 1992-05-04 - "rites of passage" (html) | (pdf)
issue # 02 - 1992-06-08 - "rites of passage" (html) | (pdf)
issue # 03 - 1992-07-10 - "rites tour roles on" (html) | (pdf)
issue # 04 - 1992-08-17 - "'joking' next single" (html) | (pdf)
issue # 05 - 1992-09-20 - "'joking released'; college tour around corner'" (html) | (pdf)
issue # 06 - 1992-10-24 - "indigo girls tour europe/'joking' ko's elton and bruce" (html) | (pdf)
issue # 07 - 1992-11-21 - "college tour kicks off on east coast" (html) | (pdf)
issue # 08 - 1992-12-21 - "college tour ends / '93 plans uncertain" (html) | (pdf)
issue # 09 - 1993-01-29 - "indigo girls back on the bus" (html) | (pdf)
issue # 10 - 1993-02-28 - "indigos play benefits for native peoples/the go-head guide to atlanta" (html) | (pdf)
issue # 11 - 1993-03-26 - "indigo girls return to small venue's!!!" (html) | (pdf)
issue # 12 - 1993-04-23 - "$10 tour off to a great start" (html) | (pdf)
issue # 13 - 1993-05-19 - "$10 tour ends/new releases his stores" (html) | (pdf)
issue # 14 - 1993-06-30 - "summer benefits/new releases" (html) | (pdf)
issue # 15 - 1993-07-31 - "$10 tour album appears likely" (html) | (pdf)
issue # 16 - 1993-08-31 - "indigo fall plans: nothing official yet" (html) | (pdf)
issue # 17 - 1993-09-30 - "indigos play eddie's" (html) | (pdf)
issue # 18 - 1993-10-31 - "indigos head for studio" (html) | (pdf)
issue # 19 - 1993-11-12 - "looking back" (html) | (pdf)
issue # 20 - 1993-12-07 - "looking back: part two" (html) | (pdf)
issue # 21 - 1994-01-01 - "the new album?" (html) | (pdf)
issue # 22 - 1994-02-01 - "'swamp ophelia' due in late april" (html) | (pdf)
issue # 23 - 1994-03-21 - "indigos to play stone mountain" (html) | (pdf)
issue # 24 - 1994-04-30 - "swamp ophelia due may 10th" (html) | (pdf)
issue # 25 - 1994-05-23 - "it's here!!!!" (html) | (pdf)
issue # 26 - 1994-06-03 - "single, what single?" (html) | (pdf)
issue # 27 - 1994-07-31 - "least complicated single released" (html) | (pdf)
issue # 28 - 1994-08-10 - "'down by the river' released" (html) | (pdf)
issue # 29 - 1994-09-21 - "'least complicated' video released" (html) | (pdf)
issue # 30 - 1994-10-01 - "indigo's on the road again" (html) | (pdf)
issue # 31 - 1994-11-30 - "jcs released, video on hold" (html) | (pdf)
issue # 32 - 1994-12-27 - "ultradisc released" (html) | (pdf)
issue # 33 - 1995-01-31 - "boy's on the side released" (html) | (pdf)
issue # 34 - 1995-02-28 - "another jcs preformance scheduled" (html) | (pdf)
issue # 35 - 1995-03-31 - "more jcs preformances scheduled" (html) | (pdf)
issue # 36 - 1995-04-30 - "honor the earth tour" (html) | (pdf)
issue # 37 - 1995-05-31 - "honor the earth tour wraps up" (html) | (pdf)
issue # 38 - 1995-06-30 - "4.5 - the best of the indigo girls" (html) | (pdf)
cover letter - 1995-07-04 (html) | (pdf)
issue # 39 - 1995-07-31 - "the internet indigo girls discography" (html) | (pdf)
issue # 40 - 1995-08-01 - "the internet indigo girls discography: part two" (html) | (pdf)
issue # 41 - 1995-09-30 - "seattle jcs" (html) | (pdf)
issue # 42 - 1995-10-22 - "1200 curfews/watershed released" (html) | (pdf)
issue # 43 - 1995-11-12 - "indigo girls on aol" (html) | (pdf)
issue # 44 - 1995-12-08 - "'bury my heart' video released" (html) | (pdf)
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