lifeblood: songs: backgrounds: fugitive
1994-02-18: unknown source:
amy ray: so i have my tongue on my cheek. "fugitive" is - it's kind of a love song, but it's also, you know, it's very abstract. it's me, the struggle within myself and the struggle with someone else to create commitment in a world of this - of the music industry, which is really kind of screwy. and the ideas of invading privacy and - it's about freedom, really, and about the ability to be free. you can be free no matter what, you know.
amy ray: i don't know when i wrote - oh, you know, one thing about fugitive is that i did write - i wrote a lot from that song to the band, because when we were on tour with jane scarpentoni and scarlett rivera and jerry marotta and sara lee, that's one song that we jammed on every sound check for awhile. and i really wrote a lot of the words during soundcheck, in that atmosphere. and i finished it in florida, again, on the beach.
1997-04-04: kwva interview, eugene, oregon:
q: (speaking about "shame on you") we noticed you make a direct reference to looking at women, if were correct here (she pauses and says) were both very obsessed here.
a: interjects: with women? (emily laughing in the background)
q: well, (laughs) with your music, and this is the first direct reference i've heard that you make toward your sexuality.
a: hmmm. i always thought fugitive was a direct reference since its a song to a woman. but, that is the most direct womanizing, that's ever been...(mumbles).
1994-xx-xx: swamp ophelia, epic press release:
"that's when you're having a relationship and your relationship is invaded because of what your career is doing. at the same time, you're reaping positive things from your career, you're alive and healthy..."
"it's just saying that we have to respect the way things are moving, even if we don't understand sometimes. maybe there's something bigger in the works that we'll understand later. the song is more about wrestling with yourself than it is about being famous - we're not that famous!"
1995-03: closest to fine, queensland pride:
"my music permeates my life in so many different ways," amy said. "i have so many other things going on, and my relationship is with a musician too. that song was really about how you deal with being in the same career within your relationship, where you're both dealing with the same privacy issues."
"my priorities have changed a lot and i think fugitive is a recognition of that. i used to be extremely career-oriented. everything was indigo girls, 24 hours a day, and a lot of it had to do with ego. now my priorities are to my relationship and my family. i love music but we've gotten better at setting boundaries and having parameters. i've also moved to a place and no-one knows where i live so i don't have to deal with privacy invasion and things like that."
1997-12: indigo girls - amy ray, curve:
"i've been gender-specific on records before, in 'chickenman' i'm very specific - i went looking for a girl. and then in 'fugitive' it's obvious i'm talking about a girl."
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