lifeblood: bootlegs: 2024: 2024-05-24: out of the box theatrics - new york, new york (emily saliers)


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01. conversation (murray hill, beth malone, and emily saliers) (16:26) (listen)
02. raffle drawings (3:37) (listen)
03. talking with the crowd (2:19) (listen)
04. dark sky (beth malone and elizabeth stanley) (5:23) (listen)
05. talking with the crowd (1:32) (listen)
06. ghost (elizabeth stanley and emily saliers) (5:39) (listen)
07. talking with the crowd (2:10) (listen)
08. love will come to you (claybourne elder and emily saliers) (4:41) (listen)
09. talking with the crowd (5:42) (listen)
10. look long (beth malone, elizabeth stanley, claybourne elder, and emily saliers) (5:13) (listen)
11. talking with the crowd (3:30) (listen)
12. galileo (beth malone, elizabeth stanley, claybourne elder, and emily saliers) (4:31) (listen)
13. audience q and a (13:26) (listen)
14. talking with the crowd (1:26) (listen)
15. what lies between (beth malone and elizabeth stanley) (3:58) (listen)
16. talking with the crowd (1:36) (listen)
17. closer to fine (allan massie with emily saliers) (4:45) (listen)
18. talking with the crowd (2:10) (listen)

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